jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

My cellphone :P

Hi everyone!!!
Today I want to tell you about a very important object to me, my favorite piece of technology to me: my cellphone!!!
You may think I'm a little materialistic, but I must admit that I could not live without my cell.
Me first cell that I had gave it to me my father when I'm thirteen years old and since this moment I always carry a cell whit me.
But the cellphone that I have now I got it since one year ago approx and gave it to me my mom
I use it most of the day and for different kind of thing, for example, I communicate quickly by calls, messages or whatsapp whit my family and whit my friends, I can also check my grades in university, and I can even organize university's work whit my colleagues.
I really think that by cellphone is the faster way to comunicate whit all the people we know and I like my cell for this
You could be a month without using your cell?

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