jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Hi guys!!!

In this post I talk you about a website that has served me on many occasions throughout my career, whis is http://www.bcn.cl/ the website of the library of the National Congress of Chile, therefore I visit him very often.
In this website you can find all laws that are taught in our country, treaties, featured rules and history of laws. You can also find information territorial of Chile, the political history of the country, and even a guide to civic information.
And there is besides a section called "The Parliamentary Observatory of the Library of Congress of Chile" which brings together four programs that seek to collect the global trends in public policy management to consolidate an active network of support for parliamentary work and information for scientific and academic community.
But the true is that I visit this website for find the laws of Chile, because in my subject "administrative law" I need to know the laws that affect the public system, and this website provides me,which is why I like this site.

3 comentarios:

  1. It sounds like a good website, but I had never used it :(

  2. It sounds like a good website, but I had never used it :(

  3. maybe it would be good to start and seek laws to the test of Tuesday :(
