jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

Evaluation of my Blogging Experience

In this post I talk about my experience using this blogf, which I feel has been very good because I have given story along the course that my writing skills have increased, as have learned new tools to develop the language and also new words that have allowed me to express my ideas better, and this I have learned from that most of the proposed topics for the blog have been of interest to me, so I just had to develop what I live, feel and think.

It is for above I think that this system of blogs should have begun to apply from English one and therefore clearly would like to see included in the future.

But if there's one thing I would change this system, which is that they can giv students the option of choosing a consensus on he issue of each post as it was once, for example to me would have liked to talk about my pet, my little cat named cholito which what I have just over a year agi; or another topic of interest also could have been talking about a hobby that we had today or we would have ever practiced in my life.
Another topic would you propose?

The Lying Game...

Today I will write about series...
The kind of series that I enjoy the most are the mystery, drama and suspense, which are mixed in my favorite serie "The Lying Game" based on a book that has the same name written by Sara Shepard which is about the story of two twin sisters, Emma and Sutton, who they were separated at birth, and Emma is passed by her sister, but in the serie Sutton goes on search your biology mother; and in the book, Emma tries to solve the murder of Sutton.

I started to watch this serie two years ago and I liked it since then, so I searched the internet and watched until it was canceled and the story remained unfinished, then I stick with the intrigue of knowing the end and looking and looking I discovered that the series was based on a series of books. The problem is that even after reading the first four books in the series, I cann't know the end of this story because I didn't find the rest of the books translated to spanish.  

But my illusion of knowing the final returned when TVN channel began broadcasting the serie "Esa no soy yo" which begins almost in the same way that begins the book, but the trouble is that the story and the characters change much in this serie so I think the murderer will not be the same as the murderer the book, so apparently I will continue with the big question of who was the person who killed Sutton...

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Hi guys!!!

In this post I talk you about a website that has served me on many occasions throughout my career, whis is http://www.bcn.cl/ the website of the library of the National Congress of Chile, therefore I visit him very often.
In this website you can find all laws that are taught in our country, treaties, featured rules and history of laws. You can also find information territorial of Chile, the political history of the country, and even a guide to civic information.
And there is besides a section called "The Parliamentary Observatory of the Library of Congress of Chile" which brings together four programs that seek to collect the global trends in public policy management to consolidate an active network of support for parliamentary work and information for scientific and academic community.
But the true is that I visit this website for find the laws of Chile, because in my subject "administrative law" I need to know the laws that affect the public system, and this website provides me,which is why I like this site.

Machu Pichu...

Welcome back to my blog, guys!

In this post I will talk you about a wonderful place that I would like visit someday within the next years:

Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca citadel that is located in Peru, more specifically near Cuzco, the regional capital of one of the provinces of the country and ancient capital of the Incas.
This majestic place was chosen as one of the seven wonders of the world for embodying the spirit of the community and dedication represented in the impressive structures built in the heart of the "Andes Mountain Range"; and this is also on the List of World Heritage of UNESCO since 1983 as part of a whole set cultural and ecological referred to as Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu.
It is for all the above that I would like to visit this place to admire its beauty, to experience the energy that say it feels in Machu Picchu and explore the mystery surrounding this ancient Inca city where our ancestors lived…

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

"Inception: the dream is real"

Hi dear friends :D

On this occasion I will talk about my favorite film, which is "el origen" or "inception", a science fiction, intrigue and action movie that caught my attention from the first moment I watched your trailer 5 years ago.

I like watch different kind of movie: mystery, thriller, research, intrigue, romantic, drama, science fiction, comedy, action, animated, etc. The truth is that I simply love watching all kinds of movies

For example the last movie I went watch to the cinema was "inside out" an animated Disney Pixar movie about what happens in the mind of a little girl, it shows how emotions interact, and those emotions create the memory and ideas, and how with all of this unfolds her personality.

I think this film I loved it as "inception", because both are movies that leave the viewer thinking about how our mind actually works.

But I especially like "inception" because this movie is about the subconscious and dreams, and with it, the movie play with the viewer's mind reflecting that dreams can come up with ideas that affect the daily live, there is even a phrase that says the protagonist in the film about how sometimes dreams mixed with reality:

"The dreams seem real when we are in them, and it is only the awakening when we realize that there was something strange..."

This phrase created in my mind the following question: What if none of this is real, what if this is all a dream...?

miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015

My little brother and I

Good afternoon guys!

Today, more than talk them about something, I want to show them something: one of my favorite pictures:
This photograph was taken a few years ago, but I still like it, because of all the photos we took us that day, this picture that captured my mom, was the one I more like me, because I'm with one of the people that I love most, and for who I would give my life without thinking , my little brother, and also because we are very happy with those giant smiles from ear to ear jajaja 

There cannot be observed very well where we're sitting, since the floor only sees, but sitting in the rest of a staircase of the house of a uncle who we went to visit with my family because it was premiered his new house, which was so big and beautiful that we began to take us many pictures all together as typical family outing :)

domingo, 12 de julio de 2015

My favourite music

Welcome back to my blog, guys!

In this post I write of something essential for my life, the music!
The true is that I listen varied kind of music, for example romantic, reggae, pop, electro, reggaeton, among others...
But I could say that my favourite kind of music is reggae, because it helps me to relax, and I really like their content that is diverse, reggae songs are about love, friendship, enjoy life, criticize society, etc. that issues for me are of great interest.

Some reggae bands that I like are: "Cultura Profética", "Gondwana" and "Movimiento Original", but unfortunately I have never attended a concert of these bands, and one reason is because the reggae started to like me a few years ago, but if you ask me right now, I have wanted especially to go to a concert "Cultura Profetica"